Everyday Leadership for Women


A professional learning community where women and women-identifying individuals build lasting and authentic connections, engage in honest conversations about topics that matter, and grow and develop essential leadership skills together.

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A professional learning community where women and women-identifying individuals build lasting and authentic connections, engage in honest conversations about topics that matter, and grow and develop essential leadership skills together.

A professional learning community where women and women-identifying individuals build lasting and authentic connections, engage in honest conversations about topics that matter, and grow and develop essential leadership skills together.


Cohort Workshops

  • Great leaders understand that their time is best focused on their H.A.B.U - Highest And Best Use. In this workshop, we will explore this concept to determine what you should delegate and then engage in a framework to delegate constructively, from beginning to reflection.

    Outcomes from this workshop include:

    • Avoiding common delegation mistakes

    • Focusing time on the highest and best use of one’s time.

    • Determining the “just right” amount of time to stay involved in order to boost engagement and agency; and

    • Debriefing delegated work to highlight mutual learning and feedback.

  • Our second workshop focuses on developmental feedback that changes behavior. We’ll explore the traits of high-quality retrospective feedback, while also learning how to coach and drive change going forward. This workshop also provides space to practice coaching conversations, taking the feedback from reflective to action-oriented.

    Outcomes from this workshop include:

    • Questions that express curiosity about the root cause of performance challenges, while avoiding common biases;

    • Creating action plans post feedback in order to drive change;

    • Using feedback to foster continued growth.

  • Good leaders don’t rely solely on managerial oversight to inspire action and followership; rather, they also influence action upward and across an organization. In this workshop, we’ll learn concrete and specific strategies to effectively manage up and across; we will also offer practical, customized ‘scripts’ to do so with confidence; We will close by self-reflecting and then practicing on areas of challenge related to this skill.

    Outcomes from this workshop include:

    • Boost management skills through relationship-building and perspective-taking strategies;

    • Efficiency in work product by using the ‘one-minute email’ tactic;

    • Inspire connections between individuals at different levels of the organization.

  • Conflict is one of the most important markers of a strong and effective relationship, whether at work or in your personal life. But the HOW behind that conflict is key. Replace power struggles, false harmony, behind-the-back conversations, and other forms of unproductive conflict with real skills in constructive conflict, which we’ll practice in real-time.

    Outcomes from this workshop include:

    • Clarity on what makes conflict productive and how to create psychologically safe spaces for conflict to occur.

    • Perspective-taking on your own destructive responses as a means to reframe them.

    • Utilizing inquiry to support your reframing of negative automatic thoughts.

Cohort Circles

  • Our first discussion-based session is focused on exploring the concept of ‘self’: who you are as a leader, the goals you have for yourself as an individual, and the concept of identity. Equally as important, we create a safe space and begin to build vulnerability-based trust across our group.

  • In our second circle discussion, we’re all about action - and support!

    We explore how to advocate for your needs, move past imposter syndrome, and continue your personal growth and development.

  • By creating space for team members to express who they are, and how they work best, our brains engage the neural networks that build trust and lower anxiety.

    In this circle discussion, we share strategies for establishing a culture of collaboration and performance on your team.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

The Elevate by Agile approach to coaching is highly individualized and designed to draw out the passion that fuels your drive to succeed. We create a supportive partnership to discover bold solutions. We’ll work with you to understand your fundamental challenges and current situation. You and your coach will then determine goals for working together. Throughout your time together, your coach will guide you to consider who you are, and how you are best positioned to lead, through exercises and dialogue, sparking capacity for future learning and self-directed growth.

Need More Info?

We’d love to help you understand if this is the right opportunity for your personal development needs. Contact our team to learn more about this experience as well as other services we offer.