Overwhelmed, exhausted, and tired of carrying all the weight?

Fair Play can help.

"We expect women to work like they don't have children and raise children as if they don't work"

Eve Rodsky

What Is Fair Play?

Fair Play was developed response to one of the most intractable dilemmas of our time: the reality that women continue to bear the bulk of the mental load and domestic responsibilities, despite couples genuinely desiring equal responsibility.

Reclaim your Time, Together.


Interactive workshops and webinars are a great introduction to the system that provides a shared language and an excellent launching point to start communicating clearly about the household division of labor.

Learn the language necessary to set and hold boundaries, reclaim your time, and increase equity at home.


In this all-day workshop built for multiple couples, we will spend 6 hours together talking about how and why the Fair Play system works, and how it could be a game-changer in your home.

Together, we will challenge the toxic time messages we’ve all been taught, explore the legacy we’d like to leave, and look for ways to set YOU up for Fair Play success.

1:1 Coaching

Through four individualized 90-minute coaching sessions, personalized to your needs and home, we will explore how the Fair Play can reduce burnout and feelings of resentment and tension by tackling your most persistent issues.

Whether with a partner, with a caregiving team, or as an individual - our certified Coaches will help you reclaim your time.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our workshops and programs are open to all! This includes Partners who feel tension at home because of the distribution of household work, a default parent who is feeling overloaded by running the home, co-parents living in different households -even non-romantic roommates who want clear expectations + a fair split of duties!

  • Most of our workshops are open to all, though some have a specified target audience. Please, join us!

  • Nope! It’s not just for parents who work outside of the home. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, that doesn’t mean that child care & running the household are 100% your job only. Fair Play aims to shift duties to be FAIR, not necessarily 50/50.

  • While the Fair Play Method book and cards are available for sale, the benefit of implementing this method with support is priceless. After all, if you could figure this out on your own, you probably would have already! #sorrynotsorry.

  • Our workshops are mean to introduce the topic at a high level - from there, you can decide how and when and what level of support you feel is best to implement the system in you home.

  • One of the benefits of our programs is that all program participants have access to our Fair Play certified facilitators for added support and “tweaks” once they exit. Our ultimate goal is to make this a joyful (and successful) process!

Upcoming Sessions


Reclaiming your Time with the Fair Play Method
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